January 17, 2016

Stress Management

Stress management is a vital part of daily life, a part we often neglect. Yet stress can be immensely detrimental. Relaxation classes are offered to assist in reducing stress and tension. I run corporate stress management programmes and groups for companies, corporate organisations, small to medium sized companies or self-request groups. The programmes and groups are tailor made depending on the need of the organisation or group and are customized to your requested goals.

Group Relaxation | Meditation

The premise for the stress management groups I run comes from the idea that a handout or instruction on how to reduce stress (although useful) does not always translate into you actually engaging with the technique. My concept is guided, facilitated relaxation that can become part of your monthly routine. I teach you skills in relaxation, which you can continue at home, or you can continue attending the relaxation group with the aim of making space for you and making time for you to look after yourself. At the end of the day, if you are not in pristine condition you cannot be the champion of your own life!

Some more on the relaxation groups

To try find time in our busy schedules to relax, connect with our body, de-stress and allow ourselves time out is incredibly difficult. Yet relaxation can be immensely beneficial for us and can greatly assist in better coping with our daily demands. The focus of the group relaxation and meditation is on assisting you to connect with your body and actively deepen your level of relaxation.

Jacobson’s Progressive Muscle Relaxation

The group classes that I offer are based on the principles of Jacobson’s Progressive Relaxation, developed by Dr Jacobson who is well authored on the subject of relaxation and developed the technique Jacobson’s Progressive Muscle Relaxation or PMR). To quote Dr Jacobson – “an anxious mind cannot exist in a relaxed body” and this is the exact point of the technique, reduce tension, stress and anxiety and increase calmness and relaxation.

It is a beautiful technique that I am extremely passionate about because I have personally experienced as well as observed the powerful effects of PMR. I also love that once you know the technique you can use it in your own time, at home or at the office and move tension out and away from you. Though I know it is easier said than done, and we often simply don’t find the time for this. I also believe that stress has become part of our lives and the first thing we neglect is our own self-care. Looking after yourself (self care) enables us to avoid burnout and to function more productively, more actively and more in the here-and-now (mindfulness and present moment functioning).

What Can I Expect From the PMR Group

The focus of the relaxation I offer begins with physical relaxation, which has the simultaneous effect of mental relaxation, increasing present moment focus (mindfulness or here-and-now awareness). As the class moves forward or becomes more advanced, I too expand the meditation to include guided imagery and enhance awareness of ones self. What’s important to bear in mind with progressive relaxation is that the more frequently you engage in the process, the greater the benefit will be to you and the deeper you will relax.

These classes are offered on request basis for groups of 6 to 10 individuals and classes generally run for one to one and a half hours per session. The groups are designed for individuals to connect with themselves (even in a group context). Groups are offered in Johannesburg or Pretoria, I can do onsite sessions if you have a suitable space.

To book or find out more information contact me. Also visit my articles section at the bottom of the homepage, I have written a few articles relating to this topic.


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