Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT®) is gaining momentum as a powerful psychotherapeutic tool. Here is some info on BWRT. There are also links to where you can find a bit more on BWRT.
Terence Watts (a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, author and researcher) based in the UK developed BWRT in 2013. He studied experiments conducted by Benjamin Libet on how thought processing links to action or behaviour and from these discoveries developed a powerful therapeutic technique. The basis of BWRT is in neuroscience stemming from Libets findings. In the experiments, Libet found that our brains begin actioning a response to an incoming stimulus before we are consciously aware of the thought to do so. This intrigued Watts in thinking if this is so there must then be a way for us to initiate change in behaviour at a neuronal level – BWRT® is the resultant outcome. It is a new approach within the field of psychology, based on neuroscience and logical processing.
Rafiq Lockhat, a South African based clinical psychologist (Cape Town), was one of Watts’ first students and was deeply struck by the efficacy of this form of therapy that he became Watts’ research assistant. Lokhat has assisted in developing and validating the approach further. He is now a master trainer in BWRT. Together with Watts, they have trained therapists across the world in BWRT.
BWRT in my Practice
In my practice I use BWRT as part of a therapeutic process and find it extremely useful as a way to assist clients with a range of struggles. BWRT is a valuable tool that I incorporate in individual therapy when indicated. Some of the areas I have used BWRT with include: Trauma, Acute Stress and PTSD, Anxiety, Phobias, Grief and Bereavement, Loss (including with relationships), Mood Disorders: Depression and Bipolar, Addictions, and OCD.
Academic Aspect
I received my training in BWRT®, Level One (Beginners) and Level Two (Advanced) from Lockhat. Terence Watts then accredited me for Level Two work after meeting the necessary requirements. I am registered with The British BrainWorking Research Society (BBRS) as an advanced practitioner.
I have presented on my experience of BWRT® and the effectiveness thereof, specifically in assisting with complex trauma. The oral presentations included for The Department of Correctional Services Annual Psychology Indaba (September 2016) and the Psychological Society of South Africa (PSYSSA) Annual Congress (September 2016).
Intro Video
Take a look at this video of Terence Watts explaining what BWRT is all about: