Burnout – The New Norm?

Oh my shattered nerves! Yup, that’s pretty much how we are functioning these days. A lovely relationship of we must do everything on the planet and when we don’t cope we blame ourselves, think poorly of ourselves and put ourselves down. I think even Chuck Norris would crumble under the pressure I see people putting themselves Read more about Burnout – The New Norm?[…]

Mindfulness – What’s it All About?

Mindfulness is a huge buzzword in psychology at the moment, so what is all the fuss! I (by the way) am totally on board with the fuss and think practicing mindfulness is fantastic! But back to this HOT TOPIC. I have been on about stress and the impact on the body, health, self-image and so Read more about Mindfulness – What’s it All About?[…]

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

“An anxious mind cannot exist in a relaxed body” ~ Dr Edmund Jacobson Dr. Edmund Jacobson (a medical doctor) invented the technique, Jacobson’s Relaxation, in 1929 stemming from his belief that relaxing specific muscles in sequence could relax the mind as well. This is a reciprocal inhibition technique which as described by Joseph Wolpe (a Read more about Progressive Muscle Relaxation[…]


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