Rushing, Anxious, Go Go Go! Try slow it down and live in the now

Feeling anxious and experiencing frequent anxiety is often related to a future-only focus, and feeling as though one should have already achieved or completed something, should be more, better and so forth. This can directly affect ones self-esteem and confidence. Finding the pause button in our lives can be so tough, yet bring so much reward. Living Read more about Rushing, Anxious, Go Go Go! Try slow it down and live in the now[…]

Mindfulness – What’s it All About?

Mindfulness is a huge buzzword in psychology at the moment, so what is all the fuss! I (by the way) am totally on board with the fuss and think practicing mindfulness is fantastic! But back to this HOT TOPIC. I have been on about stress and the impact on the body, health, self-image and so Read more about Mindfulness – What’s it All About?[…]

How Stress Affects The Body & What To Do About It

We live fast pace, high stress lives and often don’t create time to deal with what’s on our plate. Stress can take a huge toll on the body and have major impact on you emotionally and physically. Only you can make time for you, be it to learn how to effectively handle what is on Read more about How Stress Affects The Body & What To Do About It[…]


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